Illegal Vietnamese Ship Seized

JAKARTA, NMN – Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP/MMAF) is never tired to stop the illegal fishing while keep strengthening marine resources. On Friday (8/3), surveillance boat arrested a Vietnamese-flagged ship operating in Exclusive Economic Zone at northern Natuna waters, according to the caretaker of Director-General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance (PSDKP), Agus Suherman, in Jakarta, Saturday (9/3).

The ship, BV 9845 TS, has five Vietnamese crews onboard seized by KP 001 Paus at the coordinate position 03.09.091 N – 110.01.925 E at around 07:50 local time.

“The ship was arrested for carrying out fishing activity in the State Fisheries Management Region of the Republic of Indonesia (WPP-NRI) with no legal licensing documents from the Republic of Indonesia and using prohibited trawls,” added Agus Suherman.

The vessel had violated Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries as amended by Law Number 45 of 2009. It shall be punished for imprisonment for a term of 6 (six) years and a maximum fine of Rp20 billion.

Furthermore, the ship was escorted to Pontianak PSDKP Station for legal proceedings by Fisheries Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS).

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