Pelindo II Expects its Revenue Elevate to 12 Percent in 2018

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) has projected its revenue to increase 12 percent in 2018. Two factors trigger it namely the improvement of global logistics and the operation of strategic projects.

As the global logistics business getting improve, it automatically provides port industry with a positive impact. “5 percent growth in post industry in the world ensure us to achieve more than 10 percent revenue. So we put the goal on 12 percent,” said PT Pelabuhan Indonesia/Pelindo II (Persero) Pres. Dir, Elvyn G Masassya, last week.

On other hands, the completion of strategic projects would also bolster the port industry. Currently, Pelindo II is working on Inland Waterways Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL), Ports of Sorong and Kijing developments. Once those are ready to operate, it would add liquidity flows for the company. Thus, the company is optimistic in achieving its target

.In 2017, the company gained Rp10.5 trillion for its revenue. “Our revenue target in 2018 would be 12 percent or come to Rp11.2 trillion,” said Elvyn.

In October 2017 Pelindo II gained revenue of Rp8.9 trillion, while the Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Deprecation, and Amortization (EBITDA) was Rp3.4 trillion. The company would invest Rp11.5 trillion for its running projects.

Elvyn said, as the revenue keeps increasing, the company would strive to elevate its container volume to 7 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit) in 2018. To make it happens, they would conduct an approach to the freight with the large vessel to call in Port of Tanjung Priok; Pelindo II working area.

“We also plan to modernize our ports in the remote area to allow the ship enter the port at ease. We will try cargo consolidation as well,” Elvyn said.

All commodities will be consolidated in Port of Tanjung Priok. “It would be gathered in Priuk first before shipped to abroad, so does the imported. Consolidation service will improve the industry,” he added.

Pelindo II also plans to cooperate with the industry players to distribute the goods directly to the port under its roof.

Container Freight station concept that is recently working on will reduce the cost. It would drive the port industry. “We operate CFS gradually, and it would reduce ten percent of logistics cost,” Elvyn added.

It is a saved-time concept which the business players are preferred. “CFS is easy to conduct because it is done in one place and it is using digital process. It aims to accelerate the activity in the port,” Elvyn uttered.

The company would implement a buffer trucking mechanism which is effective to reduce the congestion to decline the logistics cost. “Truck would be able to enter the buffer zone without spinning around the port,” Elvyn explained.

Reduce the Logistics Cost
Indonesian Importer Association (GINSI) Chairman, Subandi, hoped the Pelindo II breakthrough would cut off the logistics cost.

“There is no point to implement CFS if it cannot reduce the cost,” Subandi said.

As the business players respond positively to Pelindo II plan, it is possible that the port industry would rapidly increase as well.

Subandi suggested the company to improve their services. For example, the competitive tariff in I TK Koja and NPCT 1.

“Each terminal has its own weaknesses in serving the customers. The terminal services for goods delivery and stacking are bad,” he said.

“Some container agents and freight complained of their container damage whereas the handling container process in terminal or port is sufficient,” Subandi said. (Ags/Pas)

Source : Rakyat Merdeka

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