Pelindo III Jacks up Ports Assets

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo/Persero) III has inked Memorandum of Understanding on Land Certification Program (PST) with Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). The coordination expected to grow SOE ports assets.

President Director of Pelindo III IGN Askhara Danadiputra said the signing of MoU aims to lock the certainty and legal protection of Pelindo III land acquisition.

“The agreement is PT Pelindo III form of support in assisting Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial/National Land Agency to accelerate its strategic program on land certification,” he said on the sidelines of National Working Meeting of ATR/BPN in Jakarta, yesterday.

It also a part of a support for the President Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla administration; the President targeted seven million land certification this year.

“We commit to support agrarian reformation program,” he uttered.

Separately, Commercial and Operational Director Pelindo III Mohammad Iqbal said land certification would help the optimization Pelindo III assets usage.

The company now is conducting diversification, especially for its properties, port business, and nautical tourism sectors.

Besides, Pelindo III would account it for the valuation in the global market. “It would bring a positive boost for the company to increase the investment,” he added.

The MoU was inked by Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Sofyan Djalil and CEO Pelindo III IG N Askhara Danadiputra.

For information, Pelindo III would expand eleven strategic projects including integrated economic zone Java Integrated Industrial & Port Estate (JIIPE) in Gresik. Other than that, it would also develop LNG terminal LNG in Port of Benoa Bali and PLTMG in Teluk Lamong I Terminal. (Dds/Pas)

Source : Rakyat Merdeka

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