The Home Comers Increase

The home-comers who would use sea transportation to go to Ambon, Maluku, expected to raise seven percent than the last year. Meanwhile, those who start their journey from Surabaya to other ports and islands increase three percent.

According to the Head of Harbormasters Division Class I Ambon, Affan Tabona, in Ambon, Tuesday (6/6), there would be a spike from 81,896 to 87,672 passengers.

Around 30,251 passengers use the national ships from Ambon, and about 24,015 predicted to arrive there. Other use regional and locals. Seven national companies, ten pilot fleets, and fourteen local fleets would serve them.

The peak estimated occurs on June 22 to 24. The backflow would be from June 30 to July 2. Generally, the destination of homecoming area out of Maluku are Sulawesi and Java. In Maluku itself, the destinations are Tual, Buru Island, and the western Seram Regency.

At the Port of Yos Sudarso, a roofed-special Lane, around 20-meter length was built to give the passengers more convenience. The lane is integrated to the terminal.

Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency of Pattimura Station, Ambon, through its official website warned the home-comers about bad weather potencies such as high tide, storm, and heavy rain until August.

The home-comers get on board in the operational area of PT Pelindo II supposed to increase from 456,304 to 470,000 passengers. Around 660 ships would transport them to and from ports of Pelindo III which are Port of Tanjung Perak (East Java), Port of Tanjung Emas (Central Java), Port of Benoa (Bali), Port of Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan), Port of Sampit (Central Kalimantan), and Port of Kotabaru (South Kalimantan), a report from Surabaya said by PT Pelindo III Public Relations Chief, Widyas Wendra, Tuesday.

It is expected that four days before Eid Mubarak, the mass homeward bound can be seen even though it started two weeks earlier.

The Harbormasters of Port of Tanjung Perak, Heri Setyobudi, called on the ship operators hand on the manifest data to the port authority correctly to monitor the unexpected occurrences.

Online Ticket

The potential home-ward travellers cross on Merak-Bakuheni routes would easily get the ticket this year. There are 51 ticket windows at the Port of Merak, Cilegon, Banten, and 46 outside the port. The travellers can even purchase the ticket online.

According to General Manager of PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Merak, Tommy Kaunang, on Tuesday in Cilegon, the home comers can buy tickets at the port and surrounding Cilegon town, Grogol Police Station, Villa Permata Hijau Residence, and Mangku Putra Hotel. It is also available at the rest area of Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, at Kilometer 43 and 68.

“Online ticket available at the official website of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry since June 1,” he said.

The peak season in the Port of Merak predicted starting on D-3 and D-2.

Banten Head Police, Police Gen.Brigadier Listyo Sigit Prabowo said Terminal VI of Port of Merak and 58 ferries would be utilised this year. Formerly, only five terminals operated. (Ags/Pas)


Source : Kompas

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