IDR4 T of Unpaid Taxes and Royalties


    A result from coordination and supervision of Corruption Eradication Commission/KPK in the mining sector has shown the mining business permit has IDR4 trillion tax arrears and royalty, and it is a proof of how bad the Indonesia management in the mining sector is.

    The fact surfaced in a discussion themed “Coal and Mining Governance and the National Energy General Directives in Associating with the National Coal Mining Production Limitation”, Monday (7/31), in Jakarta. CEC/KPK Chief for Natural Resources Corruption Prevention Dian Patria, the National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia-Civilian coalition for extractive resources transparency and accountability Maryati Abdullah, and National Energy Board Sonny Keraf acted as the keynote speakers.

    Dian said a suspicious activity found within the supervision and coordination KPK has been performing since February 2014. 90 percent of 10,000 Mining Permits holders did not transfer the reclamation guarantee fund and royalty, 70 percent did not pay the taxes and royalty, and 36 percent did not have the Tax Registration Number (NPWP).

    “In December 2016, data showed that the IUP holders are in arrears of IDR4 trillion. It is possible that the arrears would be unpaid due to the fictitious addresses and uncertain owners,” said Dian.

    Moreover, Dian added, more than 100,000 hectares of coal mining area managed by the mining companies (PKP2B) have been overlapping with the conservation sites, KPK also found a difference coal export data up to 42 million tonnes in 2015. The Customs reported it was 390 million tonnes, while Ministry of Trade 349 million tonnes.

    Maryati said they support the affirmative action for the disobeyed companies. The government should announce to public such companies.

    “It is our duty to build an integrated data base system for the mining sector, the state revenue system development, and the certain owners of IUP holders, as well as the implementation of black-listed companies who do not follow the rules,” said Maryati.

    Export Control

    In associating with the export coal, according to Sonny, they agreed about the restriction of domestic production. It is crucial to stop the coal export. Indonesia should learn from the natural oil sector case.

    “If the coal export been exploited massively, it will end up like the natural oil which decreased today. Indonesia used to have the numerous oil natural supply, and now we import it,” said Sonny.

    In the National Energy Policy, Sonny continued, stated that fossil energy should be limited to exploit. By 2046, Indonesia would be fully restricted to export the coal. So far, it is about 80 percent of total coal production exported or 400 million tonnes per year.

    In May 2017, there are 8,606 IUP holders in Indonesia. Of these number, 5,999 IUP are clean and clear/CNC, and 2,607 non-CNC. (Dds/Pas)


    Source : Kompas


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