Pelindo III Upgrading the Efficiency in the Ports


    PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III Persero has launched four new applications in 2017 to enhance the benefit and to make the customers easier to get the port services.

    The four applications are SAP S/4 Hana, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), REMOTE (Real Estate Management and Others Services), Anjungan and eDoc.

    Pelindo III President Director Orias Petrus Moedak said these new applications expected to give the efficiency for the port operators in the company and this is in line with the effort of the company to enhance its port services.

    “The company concerned to improve its quality service for the port user. One of the real steps we do is launch these apps,” said Orias.

    He continued, these apps have been prepared since 2016.

    The Anjungan and REMOTE apps, added Orias, are the front office apps which directly connected and can be used by the customers.

    SAPS/4 Hana and eDoc are the back office apps to support the company operational works.

    Orias explained, by these apps, Pelindo III enable to apply shipping or goods services by online. So the customers will engage the transaction simply by using their internet connected gadget instead of a walk-in counter.

    “By these apps, the customer can engage their banking transaction host to host, and by the cash management system (CMS); a cooperating system between Pelindo III and the bank, so we may directly handling the bank transaction,” he said.

    And by eDoc, Pelindo III internal coordination is running faster. Orias described that eDoc replace the paper-based communication among the Pelindo III Directorates to the electronic way.

    “The acceleration in the back office side will speed up the performance as the company promptly decide its policies based on the accurate data,” Orias remarked.

    Pelindo III Corporate Secretary Yon Irawan said that the ports in 17 branches of Pelindo III would use these SAP S/4 Hana, REMOTE, Anjungan dan eDoc apps.

    According to the test run by the company, these apps can function properly not only in Java region but also in the eastern.

    “ERP app implementation in Pelindo III is one of the company efforts to centralize the information system of all branches,” said Yan.

    Pelindo III has claimed that business process and information system of all business units integrated as a single source of truth where its transparency will support the Good Corporate Governance. (Ast/Pas)


    Source: Rakyat Merdeka


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