Borealis to Invest in Port of Antwerp

The Austrian petrochemical company Borealis has announced that it is to build a new production plant on its existing site in Kallo, in the Antwerp port area.

According to a press release, the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant will use the very latest technology in terms of sustainable production and energy efficiency. With this initiative the port of Antwerp confirms and reinforces its role as the largest chemical cluster in Europe.

The intention to build a new PDH plant to convert propane into propylene has been known for some time. The propylene in turn can be used to make polypropylene, a plastic with many applications which is employed in among others the car industry.

Borealis has now decided to build this new plant at the existing Borealis production site in Kallo. The mega-investment will make the site one of the largest PDH plants in the world. The plant will make use of a recyclable, chromium-free catalyst which will reduce energy consumption, waste production and CO2 emissions. The investment is supported by the Flemish government which has granted four million euros in strategic ecological support to the project.

Less than one month ago Sea-Mol, a joint venture by Mol Chemical Tankers and Sea-Invest, announced that it had chosen Antwerp for construction of a tank storage terminal representing an investment of 300 to 400 million euros.

“After the recent announcement by Sea-Mol, this decision by a leading player such as Borealis once more confirms that we as the largest chemical cluster in Europe have a strong attraction for international investors. The mega-investment can only reinforce this position and thus make an essential contribution towards a sustainable future for our port.” declared Port Authority CEO Jacques Vandermeiren.

Port Alderman, Marc Van Peel, “For decades, our port has been playing a major role in the petrochemical sector, thanks to our innovative strength and local know-how. With this new investment, this historic interest is once again strengthened and consolidated.”



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