China, Singapore sign MOU on Ship’s Electronic Certificate

China on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Singapore on enhancing cooperation on electronic certificates of ships to boost customs clearance efficiency, according to the Ministry of Transport.

The adoption of an electronic certificate can reduce the burden of shipping enterprises and ships and effectively improve the efficiency of customs clearance and port law enforcement, said Cao Desheng, an official with the ministry.

Maritime authorities of both sides agreed to cooperate in the issuance, use and acceptance of the electronic certificates and jointly explore ways to promote the use of such credentials in customs clearance as well as port supervision and inspection of ships on the basis of bilateral exchange of data.

The cooperation is a demonstration project to promote the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and boost connectivity between the two countries, Cao said.

“We will work together to forge a more substantive bilateral maritime trade and economic relationship and jointly lead and promote the application of electronic certificates in the global shipping industry,” Cao added.

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