Continuous Improvement of Sea Transportation Development

JAKARTA, NMN – During the period of 2015 to 2018, the Ministry of Transportation has successfully developed transportation sectors.

“Generally, the development of sea transport was focused on safety and public service improvement,” said Director-General of Sea Transport R. Agus H. Purnomo on Thursday in the Press Statement 2018 in the Room Mataram, Ministry of Transportation Office, Jakarta.

“Since 2015 to 2017, the non-commercial port development in 104 locations have been done, including eleven port under final construction in 2018,” said Dirgen Agus.

In 2018, the Ministry finished the development of the National Strategic Projects Makassar New Port and the First Phase of Multipurpose Terminal of Kuala Tanjung International Hub. The construction of 60 units of the pilot ship, 15 container ships and 20 rede ships, and also completed during the period of 2015 to 2018.

“It was in line with the government efforts in increasing the connectivity development through the sea toll road program,” Agus said.

The sea toll road program, according to Agus, should be developed by constructing seaports and adding trajectories, pilot ships, livestock carriers, and passenger ships.

“The government, in 2018, has launched 18 trajectories; seven are operated by the private parties through the auction and eleven by the SOEs through the assignment. And the number will grow further,” continued Agus.

As the limitation of State Budget, the Government-Business Cooperation (KPBU) scheme is arranged to support the finance and procurement for public services and infrastructure development.

Currently, there are two pilot projects under the scheme of KPBU namely Port of Anggrek and Port of Baubau in Southeast Sulawesi.

Port of Anggrek is assigned as the Special Economic Zone in the North Gorontalo (KEK) as it has a high potential to support the international trade, while Port of Baubau is a vital point in Eastern Indonesia and a gate for Southeast Sulawesi to reach another location in the area.

“Addition to the development of infrastructures and public facilities, reelected as the 2018-2019 International Maritime Organization (IMO) C category of member councils was also our attainment. We also successfully implemented the Inaportnet and Delivery Order Online (DO-Online) in several ports as well as increased people participation in 2018 Free-Homecoming Trips for Motorcyclists by Ship Program which reduced the number of accidents was also our achievement,” closed Agus.

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