Ferry Premium Service

Premium service for the passenger to Sunda Strait would be available in August 2018. This executive service aims to support the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta and Palembang.

President Director of PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry (Persero), Faik Fahmi said the plan on the sideline of the Youth Pledge ceremony on KMP Sebuku, Sunda Strait, Sunday (10/29).

“We anticipate the executive service; which is not available yet for Asian Games event. The shorter crossing time is one of the features offered in this service. It needs about two to three hours to cross Sunda Strait nowadays. Once the premium service available, the passenger would only need one hour to cross the Sunda Strait,” said Faik.

Port of Merak, Cilegon, Banten is the port where the executive terminal plan to build.

The passenger would arrive in Port of Bakauheni, Lampung; back and forth. “We build the executive terminal to accelerate the passenger transportation. Next, Trans-Sumatera toll road would connect to Port of Bakauheni,” Faik said.

According to him, the terminal would be constructed in a particular admission channel to reduce the congestion due to the narrowing road. Furthermore, it aims to improve the services.

Business Director of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) La Mane explained six executive vessels would operate once the service is available. The two are for daily operation. “Two more vessels are for backup purposes when the others in maintenance. The vessels have 15-knot speed,” he said. (Ast)


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