Port of Merak Sent-off 902,678 Passengers During the 2019 Homecoming Season

MERAK, NMN – PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, Operational Branch of Merak, has successfully transported 902,678 passengers, which was higher than last year, to Bakauheni Port during the 2019 homecoming season.

“Last year, Port of Merak departed to Port of Bakauheni 880,966 passengers. This year, it increased to 902,678,” said the General Manager (GM) of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Operational Branch of Merak, Solikin, at the Merak Port Executive Terminal on Monday (10/6).

The flow of homecoming this year occurred on D-4 with 156,418 home-goers and 14,030 units of two-wheel and 17,679 four-wheel vehicles.

According to Solikin, due to the earlier day-off, the time of departure a little bit change than it used to be.

Based on the official data from the operational branch of Merak, the number of passengers crossed the Port on D-7 reached to 114,912 and 150,052 on D-6.

The two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles respectively were 11,525 and 12,934 units on D-7, and 11,763 and 17,126 on D-6.

Until 9th of June 2019, however, the port operator marked about 426,667 passengers have not returned yet, which was a half amount of the reported number.

Meanwhile, of the total 193,701 vehicles (36,465 cars and 52,773 motorcycles) that crossed to Bakauheni, 54 per cent of them have returned to Merak.

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