Stevedoring Equipment for Ports that Serve Sea Toll Road Program

JAKARTA, NMN – The government keeps improving the service of its sea toll road program by optimizing the service of ports, especially the feeder ports, by adding them the stevedoring equipment.

“Correct, the feeder ports supporting the sea toll road trajectories will be provided with stevedoring equipment,” said the Director of Port and Harbors at Dir-Gen of Sea Transportation Ministry of Transport, M Tohir, Tuesday (8/1), Jakarta.

For information, the government launched eighteen new routes for sea toll road program that confirmed on the Decree Number UM 002/109/2/DJPL-18, last year. Eleven are feeder routes while the remaining seven are dedicated for the long-distances.

In order to effectively reduce the price disparity, the government intends to open the new routes with the hub and spoke model.

For the first attempt, the stevedoring equipment to be given is forklift and, according to Tohir, it will be provided by the first quarter of 2019.

However, the Ministry of Transport still carrying out the discussion to determine which ports to be provided with the equipment.

“We still waiting for information from the Directorate of Sea Traffic. But certainly, the equipment is dedicated for feeder ports serve the sea toll road route,” Tohir enclosed.

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