Thousands Non-Compliance License

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/MEMR announced around 2,614 mining permits are non-compliance (expired and valid) and did not have clean and clear statuses.

Poor coordination between the central and regional governments is hampering to control the license.

The official announcement announced by the General Director of Coal and Mineral of MEMR, Bambang Gatot, on June 16, 2017, stated there are three permission would be controlled include Clear and Clean/CNC status for valid or expired Mining Permits, valid and expired Non-CNC Mining Permits, and Mining Business whose mining permit recommended by the governor or the authorities but still non-compliance in the field.

There are 6,032 mining permit, valid and expired with CNC status. and Mining Business whose mining permit recommended by the governor or the authorities but still non-compliance in the field is 534. It considered as troubled-permission due to overlapping license, not verified, the recommendation made by unauthorised officials.

Head of Communication Bureau, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of MEMR, Sujatmiko said the control of troubled-licenses still in process. As the Minister of EMR, Ignasius Jonan determined, mining permit regulation would be complete this year. “Non-CNC IUP lasts because there is no coordination between the central and regional governments,” said Sujatmiko, in Jakarta, Sunday (6/18).

The National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, said the government must support the IUP law enforcement in the area. (Dds/Pas)


Source : Kompas

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