It does not seem obvious to categorize marine paintings within the various Art History styles: Classicism, Neo-classicism, Romantism, Academism… Maybe better create new neologisms, what we tried to do.
For now, only “Modern Art” will be the subject of a special page.
Being unable to find a better classsification, all these “styles” are here in alphabetical order.
In fact, this is more a theme than a style. The artist is fully oriented towards the human side, whatever the subject is. This began mid XIXth and still last. The artists

Up to now, we have only two: Gervese and Peyton, very well known by yachtmen..

It is useless to introduce this well known mouvement which began during the last quart of the XIXth century, and still present in quite a number of artists. The artists

Hokusai is a style by himself, but could not be absent.

This style is born in the United States during the second part of the XIXth century, and the only real luminists are Americans. Anyway, have been set in this category a number of artists whose main interest is the impact of the light.. The artists
